Words related to category: Ts-H7 Pronouns Note: Category links were automatically generated broadly based on the gloss. As a result some links may be unrelated, which we are in the process of removing.
dip them | dip we | dip 'niit them | int who | k'am us | k'oy me | k'wan you | k'wasm you | k'yinaa somebody | ligit naa anyone | ligi k'ool anyone | ligi lip naa anybody | -m you | -m we | -m our | m...sm you plural | -n I | -n you | -n your | -nsm you | 'niit s/he/it this one/those ones | -'nm we | -'nu I | 'nüüm we | 'nüün you | 'nüüsm you | 'nüüyu I | -sm you (pl.) | -t third person pronoun | -t third person ergative pronoun/marker | -u me/I | -u my | -u indefinite pronoun question marker |